Philosophy and Goals
The SCYL philosophy is all players participate equally (i.e. equal playing time) in all games, on evenly balanced teams (based on player’s grade, age, skill, and experience), playing a local game schedule: Level 6/7/8 (6th, 7th & 8th graders), 4/5 (4th & 5th graders), 2/3 (2nd & 3rd graders) & K/1 (Kindergartners & 1st graders). There are NO ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘stacked’ teams.
Our primary goal is for all players, coaches, parents, officials & and program leaders to have a fun, rewarding experience while always demonstrating sportsmanship on and off the field. Together we learn, share & and teach the fundamental skills and teamwork required to play the game well. Our common objective is for more boys and girls to enjoy youth lacrosse at all levels.